Venue of the conference
Venue: University of Debrecen Main Building
Address: 4032 Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1.
You can reach the main building of the university by tram no.1 from the Railway Station and the Bus Station.
Parking zones and tariffs in Debrecen
Venue of the Conference dinner
Nagyerdei Stadion Gold VIP Room
Address: Nagyerdei park 12., 4032 Debrecen
Conference dinner will start at 19:30 on Thursday, 23 January, 2025. Gate opening at 19:15.
Durring the dinner food and drinks will be served. After the dinner a DJ will provide music for dancing.
Registration does not include the cost of Conference dinner (25 000 HUF), which needs to be paid separately during the registration.
Approaching the venue of the dinner from the Conference
by foot: The restaurant is 1 km from the conference venue, which is an appr. 10-15 min walk.
by car: Parking is free on Nagyerdei krt., next to the Stadium.
Undergrand parking garage is available for 480 HUF/hour in "Nagyerdei Mélygarázs"
There are limited number on parking speaces on the area on the Stadium.
by public transport: Take tram no. 1 (Aquaticum stop) or Bus 22 (Klinikák stop) or Bus 24 (Klinikák stop).
Please approach the venue of the Gala dinner via the VIP ENTRANCE.
The gala dinner voucher assuming you ordered it in advance, is including in the name badge.